الأربعاء، 28 مايو 2008

السيد الحكيم ان ما اثير حول ملجأ الجادرية كان بسبب القاء القبض على احد شخصيات الموساد الاسرائيلي Iraq Shi'i leader comments on militias, federal sys

كشف رئيس المجلس الاعلى للثورة الاسلامية في العراق وزعيم كتلة الائتلاف العراقي الموحد سماحة السيد عبد العزيز الحكيم عن سبب الاتهامات والزعيق الذي حصل حول ملجأ الجادرية في كونه يضم عددا من السجناء السنة حسب زعم الاطراف التي اثارت هذه القضية في ذلك الوقت وقال ان هذه اتهامات غير صحيحة ولم تثبت التحقيقات هذا الموضوع وهي أثيرت كقضية سياسية ولست قضية أمنية أو قانونية أو قضائية الغرض منها التشويه وألاثارة لتغطية الجزء الناقص من القضية , جاء حديث سماحته خلال مقابلة مع قناة فرونت لاين الامريكية
واضاف سماحته ان سبب الاثارة هو انه كان هناك شخصية مهمة يقال أنها من شخصيات الموساد الإسرائيلي وكان متهم بإعمال إرهابية تم القاء القبض عليه وجيء به الى هذا المكان وكرد فعل للقوات الامريكية قامت وطوقت المكان بشكل سريع واخرجته وغطت القضية وأثارت قضية أخرى هذا حسب التقارير التي رفعت الي في وقتها .
وكالة انباء براثا ( واب )

[Correspondent] What was your role after the 2005 election and in choosing Bayan Jabr as interior minister in the government?
[Al-Hakim] I know brother Bayan Jabr, his great abilities, courage, firmness, his faith in the plan for change in Iraq, and his struggle throughout the past years against the former regime. That is why he was nominated for this key post.
[Correspondent] By summer 2005, there were accusations that the Interior Ministry under Bayan Jabr started to target the Sunnis. What is your reply to these accusations?
[Al-Hakim] I am not aware of all the details, but I do not believe that Mr Bayan had a role in all of that, if indeed it happened. He hails from a well-known Iraqi family, and he believes in the establishment of the new Iraq. There were more than 13,000 policemen who were chosen and appointed in the ministry by the previous government. Even acts of murder took place during the term of that ministry. The best proof is the murder of three supporters of the Bard Organization inside the prisons run by the Interior Ministry. A public funeral was held for them at the time, and the incident was highlighted. There are possibly some undisciplined individuals. Bayan had a strong desire to cleanse the ministry, but he received opposition from foreign sides.
[Correspondent] But there were other incidents, such as what happened at Al-Jadiriyah shelter. It was noted at the time that the Badr Organization uses the Interior Ministry's institutions. Major General Husayn Kamal was working there, and so was Major General Ahmad, one of the members of the Badr Organization. It was said that they used those institutions to confront the Sunnis?
[Al-Hakim] These accusations are untrue, and the investigations did not prove that. They were raised as a political issue, not a security, legal, or judicial issue, with the aim of distorting [facts] and stirring up [issues]. The missing part [of the story] is that a key figure, said to be from the Israeli Mosad (anyway), who was accused of terrorist acts, was arrested and brought to that place. In response, the US forces came and surrounded the place quickly. They got him out, covered up the issue, and stirred another issue (this is according to the reports I received at the time).
[Correspondent] The vehicles used by the Iraqi security forces carry names like Faylaq Al-Kurrar [the corps of those who attack and retreat in battle]. In your opinion, is it necessary to use such names?
[Al-Hakim] These names are not new; they have been there since the founding of the first nucleus of the Iraqi army. The name of the first military regiment was the Imam Musa Bin-Ja'far Regiment. These names reflect the courage of those persons, give an impression of power, nobility, and chivalry, and give the impression that the Iraqi people like these names.

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وزير الداخلية في المؤتمر الصحفي حول فضيحة الجادرية
No-one was beheaded, no-one was killed
Bayan Jabr Iraqi Interior Minister

بيان جبر صولاغ : ان من قام بجريمة السجون السرية في منطقة الجادرية هم أزلام النظام السابق ، الذين استطاعوا ان يتغلغلوا بيننا بدون ان نشعر ، ويتقلدوا اعلى المناصب بدون ان نعرف ، اما نوعية المعتقلين فهم وان كانوا ارهابيين بعثيين ولكن لا يعني هذا ان يتعرضوا للتعذيب !!
( يعني المعتقلين بعثيين والسجانين والجلادين كذلك بعثيين )

All for Torture, and Torture for All!

the Washington Times reported today. “Maj. Gen. Hussein Kamal, deputy interior minister said the detainees also included Shiites, Kurds and Turkmen.”
Translation: No bias here. We’re equal opportunity torturers!