الجمعة، 15 أبريل 2011

Young Iraqi boys play soccer nighbour Jadriya bunker أطفال يلعبون كرة القدم بجوار ملجأ الجادرية

أطفال يلعبون الكرة بجوار ملجأ الجادرية ولا يعلمون بآهات المعذبين خلف هذه الجدران .. المسافة بينهم أمتار قليلة ولكن الجدار الكونكريتي ذو الثلاث أمتار من الخرسانة المسلحة يعزل المعتقلين عن العالم الخارجي.

Young Iraqi boys play soccer amongst protective blast walls on September 7, 2006 in Baghdad, Iraq. It was here on October 14, 2005 that two suicide bombers drove their vehicles, within a minute of each other, into the perimeter of the Al Hamra hotel compound, attempting to breach the walls. The explosions destroyed a nearby apartment block, killing at least eight Iraqi civilians, including two children. A recent report released on September 1 from the Pentagon stated the number of deaths in Iraq has increased by 1,000 people a month over the previous quarter, to more than 3,000 violent deaths each month.

Iraqis Confront Specter Of Violence On Daily Basis
BAGHDAD, IRAQ - Young Iraqi boys play soccer in Baghdad on September 6, 2006. Iraqi children play soccer amongst protective blast walls where on October 14, 2005 two suicide bombers drove their vehicles, within a minute of each other, into the perimeter of the Al Hamra hotel compound, attempting to breach the walls. The explosions destroyed a nearby apartment block, killing at least eight Iraqi civilians, including two children. A recent report released on September 1 from the Pentagon stated the number of deaths in Iraq has increased by 1,000 people a month over the previous quarter, to more than 3,000 violent deaths each month. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images)

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وزير الداخلية في المؤتمر الصحفي حول فضيحة الجادرية
No-one was beheaded, no-one was killed
Bayan Jabr Iraqi Interior Minister

بيان جبر صولاغ : ان من قام بجريمة السجون السرية في منطقة الجادرية هم أزلام النظام السابق ، الذين استطاعوا ان يتغلغلوا بيننا بدون ان نشعر ، ويتقلدوا اعلى المناصب بدون ان نعرف ، اما نوعية المعتقلين فهم وان كانوا ارهابيين بعثيين ولكن لا يعني هذا ان يتعرضوا للتعذيب !!
( يعني المعتقلين بعثيين والسجانين والجلادين كذلك بعثيين )

All for Torture, and Torture for All!

the Washington Times reported today. “Maj. Gen. Hussein Kamal, deputy interior minister said the detainees also included Shiites, Kurds and Turkmen.”
Translation: No bias here. We’re equal opportunity torturers!